Κυριακή 12 Αυγούστου 2012

Suzuka: Turns 9-18

I am really sorry I haven't written you for three days, but I was really obsessed with online Car games at www.cargame.org.uk and www.sportigi.com. Earlier this week, I started a small turn by turn guide about famous Suzuka. I wrote for the first nine turns and how to survive in this really difficult environment. After Turn 9 comes Turn 10. Let's see more.
Turn 10 is the easiest turn of the round. Turn 10 is more a small straight than a turn. But don't push it. Hairpin (Turn 11) is really difficult, but it may reward you with many seconds. Prefer to spin inside in order not to lose the control of the car. Turn 12 level is the same as 10th one, as it is a long corner.
From now on, the difficulties start. After the long corner, you have to brake and steer left, then you should accelerate again and finally brake and steer left again. A real driving nightmare! That was the Spoon curve. A big straight again and Turn 15 is a long corner like 10th and 12th Turns.
We head to the famous Casino Triangle, well-known as 130R. I insist, this is the hardest part of the whole game! It consists of three turns. After the straight, a hard brake as late as possibly is a must. Steer right and then accelerate for the quick, but dangerous 17 and 18 Turns. You finished this lap by heading to the Start/Finish line. Good luck.
Your friend,

PS: You can send your stories at ascoencorp@gmail.com.

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